That is my picture for end of 2015. That time I go to joint my bike team for Charity Ride to Children School around the state. You can see that
I'm not as tall as my grandfather because as I remember that time I'm only 10 years when my grandfather pass away. I'm only 164cm tall and I proud to have it. Maybe I already got that genetic, my brothers are taller than me. I think I got shorter because I like to lift heavy things when I was a child. I always carry 2 buckets of water from down hill to take it for our house need every day before the government upgrading the water reticulation system (around 1980). As far as I'm concern, I like to help my parent to make daily house keeping and maintenance.
In my childhood time, I am the cutest boy among our age. That why I always get in the front line either in the exams or in the resemble period. My name also among the earlier in the record because it starting with the 'A' for Ainudin. And now my weight is about 58 kg (128 lb). I'm very active in school sport as a runner/sprinter. I got my School Athlete title when I was 17. When I have time, I will go to jogging in the evening to build and maintain my stamina. Maybe I'm not getting weight because I'm still single. I can see majority of my friend that getting married have gain huge weight. My clothe is 'M' size and my foot wear is 7. I wear size 'S' for my inner wear.
That all I have to tell about my physical appearance. Sometime I go to gym thinking to gain muscles but not much different at all. Maybe I will get some after I get married, perhaps.
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